Terms and Conditions

These Terms and Conditions constitute the entire “Agreement” between TranslationsDeal.com (“Company”) and contract, freelance translators, proofreaders, and localizers who accept task assignments from clients of the Company.

Definition of Terms

Agreement = These Terms and Conditions.

Company = TranslationsDeal.com, TranslationsDeal, Website.

Partner = Any individual or entity that offers its services to clients of TranslationsDeal.com.

Client = Any individual or entity who orders products or services from the Company. Also known as “Customer”.

Project = A request of a client for products or services from the Company.

Account = A digital record of a Partner’s contact information, completed and pending projects, messages, and payment record.

ID Verification = Identification that Partners submit to the Company verifying identity.

Credentials = Academic and professional experience documents that Partners submit to the Company to verify qualifications.

QA = Quality Assurance = Quality Assurance Department = that group of Company employees who review and determine quality of a Partner’s work.

Probation = that period of time during which a new Partner is evaluated. Probation does not end until a minimum of 5 projects have been completed which meet the quality standards of the Company.

Reassignment = the condition under which a project is removed from one Partner and given to another, for a variety of reasons.

Account Suspension = the condition in which a Partner no longer has permission to accept client projects, due to poor quality, violation of this Agreement, and/or unavailability of the Partner for person reasons.

Account Termination = The removal of a Partner’s account from the Company system, usually a result of poor quality or serious violation of this Agreement or upon request of the Partner.

Payroll Dates = Those dates specified by the Company for payment to Partners.

Payment Option = The selection on the part of a Partner of the payment platform to receive payment.

Customer Support = That department that supports Partners, provides assistance, answers clients questions, and resolves issues.

Communication Platforms = those means by which Partners and customer support and clients can communicate, otherwise known as messaging system.

Activation of this Agreement

This Agreement becomes effective as soon as the Partner accepts this Agreement and Company establishes an account for that Partner.

Intellectual Property

Partners agree that all intellectual property rights of their work product belong to the Company and the Company alone. NO Partner may in any way re-use, distribute, or share their work product with any party other than the Company.

Partner further agrees that the Company may use his/her work product as it deems fit and appropriate.

Partner agrees that all work product may be copyrighted by the Company as it wishes.

Partner agrees not to utilize any previously copyrighted material either his/her own or that of any other individual or organization. If a violation of this term occurs, the Partner’s account shall be terminated.


Partner agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Company should the Partner become the subject of any legal action as a result of his/her work product. Further, the Partner will defend the Company, including absorption of attorney’s fees and court costs in the defense of the Company.

Period of Probation

Once a Partner has passed through the application, testing, and has been accepted as a contractor, there will be a period of probation that shall last through the first 5 projects.

Our Quality Assurance team is continually monitoring the work done by our Partners. This is to ensure that everyone working with our Clients continues to do quality work.

Partners may be placed back on Probation should there be products that are deemed to be of low quality. The Quality Assurance Department has the right to determine product quality level.

Product/Service Requirements

The Company provides translation including certified translations, proofreading, and localization products and services to its Clients. As such, the Company has high standards for product and service quality. Partners are expected to meet the standards of the Company as determined by the Quality Assurance Department. Partners must adhere to the following:

  • Only accept projects for which they are absolutely qualified, as demonstrated by their academic credentials, their native and other language proficiencies, and their professional background experience, as determined by the Company through the employment process.

  • Adhere to all instructions of Clients and the Company regarding product and services.

  • Meet Client deadlines.

  • Revise finished products as directed by the Quality Assurance Department once it has reviewed a completed product.

  • Partners must check their accounts a minimum of once every 24 hours when they have pending projects in their accounts.

  • In the event that Project materials are not uploaded on time, TranslationsDeal staff reserves the right to contact the Partner in question to obtain information on the status of the project. Because Clients rely on projects being completed on or before the established deadline, we may contact Partners during non-business hours. This is especially true when a delay creates an emergency situation for a Client.

  • Partners are to work with us using only a single username and account. They must also ensure that their personal information is up to date. If we find that a Partner has used multiple accounts in order to get more work, or to attempt to work with us again after having been terminated, we will cancel accounts immediately, and will not compensate any Partner who has fraudulently obtained work through our Company.

  • If any Partner takes on a Reassigned Project from another Partner that requires only revision s/he takes full responsibility for that project. The Partner must follow all Client requests, so long as the revisions do not alter the original Project specifications. It is the Client’s right to request another Partner for revisions, and the original Partner must honor this request. It is also the Company’s right to re-assign a project. In such cases, the original Partner will not be compensated for the project.


After a Partner submits a completed project, it is sent to our QA department for review. This is to ensure that all Client specifications and our quality standards are met, before we send the completed project to the Client. Additional QA evaluations occur if there are Client complaints, or if a Partner disputes any sanctions, such as fines, payment cancellation, demotion, or account termination.

The Company monitors the communications between Clients and Partners. If we discover that there are violations of these Terms and Conditions in those communications, we reserve the right to apply sanctions, including fines, suspension, and/or account termination.


Should Partners violate any of the terms of this Agreement, the Company reserves the right to apply sanctions, dependent upon each circumstance. Sanctions may include:

  • Fines

  • Suspension of Account

  • Termination of Account

Sanctions may also be applied should a Partner consistently produce low quality products which require revision or re-assignment to another qualified Partner. Quality shall be determined by the Quality Assurance department.

If we find evidence that a Partner has engaged in any fraudulent activities, we will delete their account and terminate all relationships with that individual or entity. Further, any Partner found to have committed fraud will forfeit any compensation that may have been agreed upon.

Should a Client be granted a refund due to poor quality of work, that refund amount shall fall upon the responsibility of the Partner who crafted the product.

Partners have the right to dispute any sanction. In the case of dispute, Company owners shall review all events and make a final decision.

Terms of Payment

The Company shall determine payment periods and shall provide Partners with options for payment receipt platforms. Payment amounts are determined by the type of project, the complexity of the product and the Client deadline urgency.

The Partner is due to be paid for any project completed according to the service requirements and the approval of our QA department.

Partners who want to check for payment, bonuses, or fines need to go into their accounts and look at the “Payments” folder. There they will find a listing of earnings and the status of each line item. These include:

    • Upcoming Payment - To be made on the next payment cycle

    • Current Projects Total - The payment due for all projects that are in the works

    • Waiting For Approval - Payments due on projects that have been submitted but not cleared for payment

    • Paid Total - The total amount of paid earnings since the Partner began working for the Company

    • Debts - Any money due from the Partner to the Company. This includes fines and refunds. If the amount of debts exceeds the amount due in compensation the current payments due will be rescheduled until the Partner’s account is no longer in the red. Check the Debts section for more information.

  • We reserve the right to reschedule payments while investigating any violation of policy or fraudulent activity.

  • Payment dates that fall on weekends will be rescheduled to the next business day.

  • We reserve the right to change payroll dates in the event of technical difficulties or an emergency. Partners will be notified of this as soon as reasonably possible.

  • Currently all payments are made in the form of PayPal or wire transfer. Partners should pick the option that works best for them. It is the responsibility of the Partner to inform the billing department of their preference.

Processing Payments

  • All payment details must be submitted and verified four days before payroll is processed at a minimum to ensure payment. If these requirements are not met, payment may be delayed until the required data is provided.

  • Providing all details required for us to correctly route compensation is the sole responsibility of the Partner. Any questions or concerns should be expressed immediately so that they can be dealt with.

  • The Partner is barred from engaging in any payment refund transactions. Doing so could result in fines or account termination.

  • Once a payment has been processed, we will not withhold that payment.

All pending payments will be posted in the Partner’s account on the Company site. They are posted as soon as final products have been completed and approved by Clients. Should Client approval come on a weekend day, the amount credited will be posted on the next business day.

Outside Contractor/Tax Liability

Partners understand that they operate as independent contractors. Any tax liability for their income from the Company is their total responsibility. The Company bears no liability should a Partner fail to pay the taxes that s/he owes and incurs legal action as a result. There is no employer-employee relationship between the Company and a Partner, either real or implied.

Should a taxing authority request income information from the Company, it will be supplied to that authority.

Account Termination

Accounts are terminated for the following reasons:

  • Request by Partner.

  • The Partner does not log into their account indicating they are no longer actively working

  • Violation of copyrights

  • Consistently poor quality with no genuine effort to improve

  • Breach of this Agreement

  • Frequent Missing of Deadlines

  • Revealing a Client’s Personal Information

  • Sharing or in any way distributing work product

  • Sharing or revealing any proprietary information of the Company

In the event that a Partner wishes to terminate their relationship with us, we will honor that request. However, we also require that they meet any current obligations to us and complete any projects to which they are assigned. Once this is finished, we will process any remaining debts or payments and then restrict the Partner’s access to their account and any other information intended for employees or Partners.

Accounts will be deactivated after six months of inactivity.

After twelve months of inactivity the Partner’s account will be terminated. Upcoming payments due will be handled according to this Agreement.

Any copyright violations will almost without exception result in termination of the Partner’s account. Once current projects have been uploaded payment will be made for any projects that do not contain violations and that have been successfully completed.

Quality issues can lead to termination of a Partner’s account. Quality issues include frequently missed deadlines and uploading materials that are inaccurate or do not otherwise meet quality standards. This determination will be made at the discretion of the QA department. If the decision is made to terminate the account, it will be done once all current projects have been completed successfully and have been reviewed and approved by the QA department. Only when the QA department has provided approval will the Partner be paid what is still due. Payment will occur fourteen (14) days following the termination date or on the last scheduled payment date.

In some cases, a single instance of negligence may result in our terminating the account. As stated above, payments will be made in 14 days. However, we will only pay for projects that have been successfully completed and verified. Negligence is when a Partner fails to complete a project and does not remain in communication with us and the Client. Accounts close due to negligence will not be reactivated under any circumstance.

If we find that any Partner discloses nonpublic company information, account details, customer information, project details, or completed works in any way that is not authorized by us we will terminate their account immediately. The same goes for any other activities that could damage the reputation of TranslationsDeal or compromise confidential information. No payment will be remitted if an account is closed for these reasons.

Other causes for termination of account and business relationship include failure to comply with these Terms and Conditions, failing to follow reasonable instructions, and gross misconduct. We reserve the right to cancel any account at any time. We are not obligated to provide prior notice of our plans to do so. Partners agree that we will not be held liable for any damages and that they are not due any compensation when and if we take this option. Partners committing serious violations forfeit their rights to payments due.

Company Obligations

  • The Company shall comply with all for these Terms and Conditions as they apply to the Partner and their rights defined herein.

  • The Company shall protect Partners’ personal information and reveal it to no one unless required to by a judicial authority.

  • Regularly review Partners’ performances with an eye toward increasing payment amounts.

  • Keep Partners up-to-date on all changes and opportunities through their accounts.

  • Read, consider, and reply to all requests and other communications with reasonable promptness.

  • Proactively let Partners know if any technical issues might impact them, and fix said issues as soon as possible.

  • Let Partners know if payment will be delayed for any reason.

Privacy and Confidentiality

We hold any information you provide to us via our website in strict confidence. We will not collect, store, or distribute your personal information without your consent.

The Data We Collect

We may collect information including name, address, birth date, email address and other contact information, and other information required to do business with you.

Using Your Information

The information we gather is used to keep records, remit bills or distribute refunds, provide services to you, and to improve our methods of doing business.

We use the latest technologies and safeguards to protect your personal information from unauthorized access or distribution. We use physical barriers, administrative protocols, and technical solutions to protect your information.

We Use Cookies

Cookies are employed by a majority of websites you will ever visit. They allow us to customize your experience on TranslationsDeals.com so that we can provide you with the best experience possible. This works by memorizing your preferences and history with us.

We also use cookies to monitor the traffic to the various pages on our website. We do this to ensure that visitors are finding information and accessing the correct pages. It also helps us to identify pages that are causing problems.

Cookies do not contain viruses. They also don’t give us the ability to see any data stored on your computer.

You are free to delete cookies or to deny us the right to use them. However, this will significantly degrade your experience on our website. Some features may not work at all. We strongly recommend checking your settings to ensure that we can download cookies.

The Company protects the confidentiality of both its Clients and Partners. It is expressly forbidden for a Partner to reveal his/her personal information to a Client or to take such information from a Client. Violation of this term means immediate account termination.

As long as they are party to a business relationship with us, all Partners must agree that they may become familiar with privileged information. This includes, processes, trade secrets, confidential information, personal records, medical documents, legal transcripts and more. These may be the property of TranslationsDeals or our Clients. Partner’s must agree that they will not share any of this information with others, and that they will not attempt to exploit any information gained from working with us for profit or other advantages. They also agree to honor this agreement after their relationship with us ends.

At no time does any item or information that the Partner comes into contact with become their property. Instead, it remains the property of the Client or the Company. This includes documents, product specs, textbooks, letters, contact lists, data files, blue prints, note pads, apps or games, scripts, videos, or other property. The Partner will not, for any reason, make copies of any of these items, nor will they store them on their own private devices or cloud storage accounts.

Partners must not disclose their relationship to us without our written consent. This helps us to preserve the fully confidential nature of our business. Likewise, we will extend the same courtesy to our contractors.

Severability/Governing Laws

If any term of this Agreement is deemed to be unenforceable or illegal, all other terms of this Agreement remain in force.

The Company operates under the legal jurisdiction of the geographic location of its corporate headquarters.

Waivers of Terms and/or Breaches

Should the Company decide to waive a breach of these Terms for a Partner, then that waiver is for that one incident only and shall not carryover to any similar breaches in the future. Likewise, should the Company waive one of these Terms for a Partner, that waiver applies only to that single incident.


The Company reserves the right to alter this Agreement at any time. When any amendment occurs, Partners shall be notified through their personal accounts.

Entire Agreement

These Terms and Conditions constitute the entire Agreement between the Company and its contracted Partners. No Agreements previous to this one nor any communications between Company staff and Partners that are in contradictions to these Terms shall stand.